reading and writing

Seven ways reading comprehension can help your child excel in life

Reading comprehension refers to how you derive meaning from written words. We can then take that meaning and combine it with our knowledge and past experiences to make sense of the words. Imagine for a moment what life would be like if you weren’t able to do this. If you were given some text and …

Seven ways reading comprehension can help your child excel in life Read More »

Using character traits and the five senses for descriptive writing

If someone were to describe you using three words, what do you think they would say? In a recent class at Leap into Literacy we explored how writers use character traits to bring their characters to life. At the start of the class, we asked the students if they have ever been described in a …

Using character traits and the five senses for descriptive writing Read More »

Building Mind Maps for Descriptive Writing

This week’s blog explores a recent Leap into Literacy class Building Mind Maps for Descriptive Writing and focuses on the modified class for our younger students in Years 1-2. Before we delve into the lesson, let’s remember what is so important about descriptive writing? When writers do a good job of describing a person, place …

Building Mind Maps for Descriptive Writing Read More »