Leap into Literacy supports the joy of reading and helps improve literacy levels with The Great Book Swap!
Let’s Improve literacy levels and help spread the joy of reading. Leap into Literacy is fundraising for The Indigenous Literacy Foundation via the Great Book
September 1, 2017
Work-Life-Family Balance
Here is a new article about Work-life-family balance from the MyDeal Blog site by Julia Hammond featuring Allison Greenland from Leap into Literacy. This is
August 29, 2017
Writing Well: a skill or a gift?
Writing Well: a skill or a gift? By Louise Tulissio – Teacher at Leap into Literacy When it comes to unleashing your full writer’s potential,
August 26, 2017
An Inner West Mums Interview with Allison Greenland from Leap into Literacy
Getting to know…Allison Greenland of Leap Into Literacy: An interview with Inner West Mums, Sydney found here: Getting to know… Allison Greenland of Leap Into
March 17, 2017